Harm Reduction

 The Bear:  Courage

 The Mantra: I Feel

  • Bear embodies courage, empowering us to confront our inner struggles. It guides us toward spiritual healing, addressing anger, pain, and personal challenges. Bear teaches balance, oscillating between playfulness, rest, and assertiveness. Courage does not mean that you are fearless. It is choosing to do what needs to be done, even when you are afraid. Decolonization requires courage in order for us to gain independence. Choose what is right over what is easy, and embrace resistance without fear.

  • Rights are legal, social, and ethical principles of freedom or entitlement. Society has declared and defined the rights of humans, but it has done little to ensure that those rights are equally provided to all. We should have balanced the rights we demand with the required responsibilities towards others and the Earth. Native teachings tell us that we have the right to live free on our land. Our responsibility is to protect and care for our land in exchange for the food, water, and shelter it provides. Demanding rights without taking responsibility for and maintaining those rights for others creates a warped sense of entitlement that leads to violence, injustice, and chaos.

  • If we hope to live in a society where our rights are valued, we must be willing to adopt an ethical stance toward our inherent responsibilities as human beings. Our failure to take responsibility for the well-being of others and the natural world invalidates our right to live in this place.

    We must acknowledge that the rules of law about our rights are only as strong as the men and women willing to act with honor and commitment toward securing those rights for everyone.

  • It’s not a badge of honor to be well-adjusted to a sick society. Decolonization challenges established norms and invites resistance. Creating a space of true decolonization will challenge everything taught in colonial society. We cannot reclaim rights or protections for ourselves that we aren't willing to demand for others. Being able to face resistance to change is just as important as resisting colonial systems.

Community Collaboration: Harm Reduction & Sex Workers' Rights

We have assigned Courage to Harm Reduction and Sex Workers Rights work because it is courageous to demand body autonomy. Courage is a daily practice for this community. We believe that all humans are of value. Other organizations often refuse to work directly with sex workers or the justice-involved communities they claim to support. We cannot support harm reduction without uplifting the voices of those directly impacted. We are all one, united by courage.

Collaboration Programming

LGBTQIA+ safety training & self-defense

Sex Workers Defense

HIV/STI Support Services

Preventative Care

Rehabilitation Services