Justice Support

 The Turtle:  Truth

 The Mantra: I Understand

  • The Turtle embodies the unchanging laws of nature. It symbolizes unwavering truth by adapting without altering itself. We must observe how truth impacts us and the world. Living in truth requires us to pay attention to what's really happening in the world so that we can respond correctly. Ignoring the realities of the world; pollution, climate change, racism, and political corruption, will only end in destruction.

  • Colonists used language to colonize Truth in 3 ways:

    *Changing the context in indigenous words. The men who came from colonial education systems were trained to strip away the feminine and relational aspects that language contains.

    *Those who hold power achieve control by manipulating the flow of information. The goal of information sharing is no longer to inform or educate but to elevate one's position over another; it's become an exercise of conquest. Colonial leadership sells us dishonesty as “ personal freedom.” We have been trained by having tiny bits of information thrown at us repeatedly, making it easy for us to be moved from one place to another until we are exactly where those in power want us to be. This conditioning fosters mistrust that divides our communities.

    *Colonial power is based on conquest, and now our language reflects it. We have a war on terrorism, a war on drugs, and a war on poverty. We have to conquer our demons, our bodies, and our enemies. We battle with depression and anxiety. Even in the work that we're doing to help shift toward a world of peace, we engage in the language of conquest. We've been so indoctrinated to conquest language that imagining another way is seen as naive or crazy.

  • The cultural context must be connected to a language for the language to be alive. Our languages are meant to be relational; they teach us how to live in kinship with one another and engage in our environment.

    Truth is communicated through language. Use the power of doubt to question everything you hear: Is it really the truth? Pay attention to the intent behind the words. Do the words you are told match the reality they represent?

    Your words mirror your truth, intentions, and worth. Think before you speak: Is it true? Is it helpful? Is it important? Is it necessary? Is it kind? Speak the truth clearly so that everyone can understand.

  • Our native communities are decolonizing our languages and reclaiming their original meanings. The decolonization process can improve the impact of organizing work. We must address 2 issues with organizing language.

    Complex organizing language alienates those who want to get involved. Many disenfranchised folks we work with say they want to help, but they feel too uneducated to do the work…. the work that is supposed to be centered around THEM. Organizers use academic vernacular because it appeals to grantors, but these words provide no support or comfort to the communities that we serve. We must make space for those without exposure to the same language as someone with access to education. Meet people where they are, give them agency, and respect the wisdom of their lived experiences. This helps us serve communities by simplifying terminology and respecting diverse backgrounds.

    Many of our social movements are organized under conquest themes. How we frame our movements determines whether they will be unifying or divisive.

    Audra Lord tells us, “The master's tool will never dismantle the master's house.” Yet, we keep using the language and tools of conquest and expect them to build a sustainable outcome.

    If changes in the language come from healthy integration of our societies, the tone carried is unifying. If changes in the language are connected to violence and domination, the tone of the language will reflect violence and domination. When we reclaim our languages, our sense of identity and belonging becomes stronger. This strength helps us break the chains of oppression.

Community Collaboration: Justice Support

We have assigned Truth to our Justice work because the Prison Industrial Complex is our most extensive oppressive system.  “Law & Order” is the false platform that political leaders espouse to incite fear and gain support for unjust laws. Truth guides our Justice work against the Prison Industrial Complex.

  Collaboration Programming :

Trans Injustice Stories

Filing for clemency and parole

Reduce restitution and probation time

Seal records and expunge cases

Prison accountability project

PREA & other prisoner support assistance

Prison Resource Guide